Function payInvoiceERC20

The payInvoiceERC20 function enables everyone to make an early payment and start earning. The due date of the payment needs to be passed as an argument.

See `payInvoiceERC20Escrow` if you want to make an escrow payment without due date. The payment can be released at a later date.

function payInvoiceERC20(
        address _payee,
        address _feeAddress,
        uint40 _dueDate,
        uint256 _amount,
        uint256 _feeAmount,
        bytes calldata _paymentReference,
        uint8 _shouldPayoutViaRequestNetwork
        ) external nonReentrant whenNotPaused {

            PaymentERC20 storage paymentERC20 = paymentMapping[_paymentReference];
            uint256 totalAmount = _amount + _feeAmount;

            if(_amount == 0) revert ZeroAmount();
            if(_payee == address(0)) revert ZeroPayeeAddress();
            if(_feeAddress == address(0)) revert ZeroFeeAddress();
            if(paymentERC20.amount != 0) revert PaymentReferenceInUse();
            if(totalAmount < minTotalAmountParameter) revert InvalidTotalAmount();
            if(_dueDate < uint40(block.timestamp + minDueDateParameter) || _dueDate > uint40(block.timestamp + maxDueDateParameter)) revert DueDateNotAllowed();

            IERC20(baseAsset).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), totalAmount);
            uint256 cUsdcbalanceBeforeSupply = getContractCometBalance();
            IComet(cometAddress).supply(baseAsset, totalAmount);
            uint256 cUsdcbalanceAfterSupply = getContractCometBalance();
            uint256 cUsdcAmountToWrap = cUsdcbalanceAfterSupply - cUsdcbalanceBeforeSupply;         

            uint256 wrappedShares = IWrapper(wrapperAddress).deposit(cUsdcAmountToWrap, address(this));

            paymentMapping[_paymentReference] = PaymentERC20({
                amount: _amount,
                feeAmount: _feeAmount,
                wrapperSharesReceived: wrappedShares,
                dueDate: _dueDate,
                payer: msg.sender,
                payee: _payee,
                feeAddress: _feeAddress,
                shouldPayoutViaRequestNetwork: _shouldPayoutViaRequestNetwork

        emit PaymentERC20Event(baseAsset, _payee, _feeAddress, _amount, _dueDate, _feeAmount, _paymentReference);         

The _amount and _feeAmount total are transferred to Compound Finance's Comet contract, to earn yield. The payment details are stored in the paymentMapping.

Parameter _shouldPayOutViaRequestNetwork is a uint8 to save on gas fees (compared to a bool). You can pass a value of 0 if you don't want the payment to be routed through Request Network.

Interact with the payInvoiceERC20 function:

const paytrContract = new ethers.Contract(paytrContractAddress, PaytrABI, signer);

await paytrContract.payInvoiceERC20(
      dueDate, //in epoch time
      paymentReference, //bytes

await paytrContract.payInvoiceERC20(
      100_000_000, //100 USDC
      5_000_000, //5 USDC fee
      0 //the payment will not be routed through Request Network

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