Function payInvoiceERC20Escrow
This function allows anyone to make an escrow payment. There is no due date to be passed upon creating the payment. The function automatically sets a due date of 0.
The payment can be released at a later time by calling the releaseEscrowPayment function.
The receiver of the principal amount.
In case you want to charge an extra fee, this is the receiving address of the fee.
The fee amount in wei. Make sure to double-check the number of decimals of the baseAsset.
The fee amount in wei. Make sure to double-check the number of decimals of the baseAsset.
Reference of the related payment. Make sure to add salt to and hash the _paymentReference to increase privacy and prevent double references.
This is a uint8 parameter. Pass a value != 0 if you want the payout of the invoice routed through Request Network's ERC20FeeProxy contract.
The _amount
and _feeAmount
total are transferred to Compound Finance's Comet contract, to earn yield.
The payment details are stored in the paymentMapping.
Parameter _shouldPayOutViaRequestNetwork
is a uint8 to save on gas fees (compared to a bool). You can pass a value of 0 if you don't want the payment to be routed through Request Network.
Interact with the payInvoiceERC20 function:
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