Function payOutERC20Invoice

This function handles the payment of all due payment references and payout of additional fees and interest.

Anyone can call this function by passing in a bytes array of due payment references. Make sure to respect the max length of the array by checking the maxPayoutArraySize parameter. This parameter is set to prevent hitting the block gas limit.

Request Network compatibility

To ensure the compatibility with Request Network payment requests and invoices, the payout function checks the uint8 shouldPayoutViaRequestNetwork. The Request Network ERC20FeeProxy contract gets called when this uint8 is != 0.

function payOutERC20Invoice(bytes[] calldata payoutReferencesArray) external nonReentrant {

        uint256 payoutReferencesArrayLength = payoutReferencesArray.length;

        if(payoutReferencesArrayLength == 0 || payoutReferencesArrayLength > maxPayoutArraySize) revert InvalidArrayLength();
        for (uint256 i; i < payoutReferencesArrayLength; i++) {
            PaymentERC20 storage paymentERC20 = paymentMapping[payoutReferencesArray[i]];
            if(paymentERC20.amount == 0) revert NoPrePayment();
            if(paymentERC20.dueDate > block.timestamp || paymentERC20.dueDate == 0 ) revert ReferenceNotDue();
            uint8 RNPayment = paymentERC20.shouldPayoutViaRequestNetwork;

            address _payee = paymentERC20.payee;
            address _payer = paymentERC20.payer;
            address _feeAddress = paymentERC20.feeAddress;
            uint256 _amount = paymentERC20.amount;
            uint256 _feeAmount = paymentERC20.feeAmount;
            uint256 _wrapperSharesToRedeem = paymentERC20.wrapperSharesReceived;
            delete paymentMapping[payoutReferencesArray[i]];

            //redeem Wrapper shares and receive v3 cTokens
            IWrapper(wrapperAddress).redeem(_wrapperSharesToRedeem, address(this), address(this));

            uint256 baseAssetBalanceBeforeCometWithdraw = IERC20(baseAsset).balanceOf(address(this));

            //redeem all available v3 cTokens from Compound for baseAsset tokens
            uint256 cTokensToRedeem = IERC20(cometAddress).balanceOf(address(this));
            IComet(cometAddress).withdraw(baseAsset, cTokensToRedeem);

            //get new USDC balance
            uint256 baseAssetBalanceAfterCometWithdraw = IERC20(baseAsset).balanceOf(address(this));

            uint256 _totalInterestGathered = baseAssetBalanceAfterCometWithdraw - baseAssetBalanceBeforeCometWithdraw - _amount - _feeAmount;
            uint256 _interestAmount = _totalInterestGathered * contractFeeModifier / 10000;

            if(RNPayment != 0) {

            } else {
                IERC20(baseAsset).safeTransfer(_payee, _amount);
                if(_feeAmount != 0) {
                    IERC20(baseAsset).safeTransfer(_feeAddress, _feeAmount);

            IERC20(baseAsset).safeTransfer(_payer, _interestAmount);          

            emit PayOutERC20Event(baseAsset, _payee, _feeAddress, _amount, payoutReferencesArray[i], _feeAmount);
            emit InterestPayoutEvent(baseAsset, _payer, _interestAmount, payoutReferencesArray[i]);


Interact with the payOutERC20Invoice function:

const paytrContract = new ethers.Contract(paytrContractAddress, PaytrABI, signer);

await paytrContract.payOutERC20Invoice(
    [paymentReference1, paymentReference2] //pass in bytes

await paytrContract.payOutERC20Invoice(
    ["0x494e56332d32343034", "0x494e56332d32409122"]

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